Welcome to our in-depth guide on “how to clean and maintain behind-the-ear hearing aids?” In this comprehensive article, we will walk you through essential steps, tips, and best practices to ensure your behind-the-ear hearing aids function optimally. Whether you’re a new user or a seasoned wearer, these insights will help you maintain your hearing aids for years to come.

1. Understanding Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids

In this section, we’ll delve into the basics of behind-the-ear hearing aids. Learn about their components, functionality, and how they differ from other types of hearing aids.

1.1 Components of Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Explore the intricate parts that make up behind-the-ear hearing aids, from the microphone to the receiver, and understand how each plays a crucial role in the device’s performance.

1.2 How Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids Work

Gain insights into the technology behind these aids, helping you appreciate the advanced features designed to enhance your hearing experience.

2. How to Clean and Maintain Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids?

In this central section, we provide a step-by-step guide on cleaning and maintaining your behind-the-ear hearing aids.

2.1 Daily Cleaning Routine

Discover a quick and effective daily cleaning routine to prevent wax buildup and ensure clear sound transmission.

2.2 Deep Cleaning Techniques

Learn the importance of periodic deep cleaning to address stubborn debris and maintain optimal device hygiene.

2.3 Battery Care

Explore tips for extending battery life and ensuring your hearing aids are always ready when you need them.

3. Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Even with proper care, issues may arise. This section addresses common problems and provides troubleshooting solutions.

3.1 Low Volume or Distorted Sound

Understand the reasons behind low volume or distorted sound and how to troubleshoot these issues at home.

3.2 Moisture-Related Problems

Learn about the impact of moisture on behind-the-ear hearing aids and effective ways to prevent and address moisture-related issues.

4. FAQs

Here, we address frequently asked questions regarding the cleaning and maintenance of behind-the-ear hearing aids.

4.1 Can I Use Water to Clean My Hearing Aids?

Yes, but with caution. Discover the proper way to use water in cleaning your devices without causing damage.

4.2 How Often Should I Change the Wax Guard?

Learn about the wax guard’s crucial role and the recommended frequency for its replacement.

4.3 Are Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids Water-Resistant?

Uncover the truth about water resistance and how it impacts your device’s durability.

4.4 Can I Sleep with My Hearing Aids On?

Find out the potential risks and benefits of sleeping with your behind-the-ear hearing aids.

4.5 What to Do If My Hearing Aids Get Wet?

Get quick, actionable steps to take if your hearing aids come into contact with water.

4.6 How Long Do Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids Last?

Explore the typical lifespan of these devices and factors that can influence their longevity.


In conclusion, maintaining and cleaning behind-the-ear hearing aids is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. By following our expert guide, you’ll ensure a clear and crisp hearing experience for years to come.

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